Complete your examination application via the contact form provided at the page's bottom. Specify your desired license category (B1.1, B1.2, or B2) or indicate the specific module you intend to apply for.
Upon submission, gain access to comprehensive training materials and optional online video reviews. Begin self studying for your chosen module immediately.
Obtain contact details, including an email address and phone number, for your instructor. Seek consultations or clarification on any topics as needed..
Before the exam, participate in an optional in-person review and consultations. Use this opportunity to address any uncertainties about the topics covered during self-study.
Attend the exam at an approved location with an authorized examiner or invigilator.
Upon successful completion of the exam,receive a Certificate of Recognition for the specific module completed.
Global network of partners within wordwing aviation
We see painting as a form of art, and the aircraft is our canvas. Anything is possible in our eyes, and we’re committed to delivering exceptional solutions that meet our customers’ every need while maintaining the highest quality and attention to detail.
We see painting as a form of art, and the aircraft is our canvas. Anything is possible in our eyes, and we’re committed to delivering exceptional solutions that meet our customers’ every need while maintaining the highest quality and attention to detail.
We see painting as a form of art, and the aircraft is our canvas. Anything is possible in our eyes, and we’re committed to delivering exceptional solutions that meet our customers’ every need while maintaining the highest quality and attention to detail.
Global network of partners within wordwing aviation